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Terms and Conditions

CROWMIE RENOVABLES, S.L. (hereinafter, “Crowmie” or “we”) is the legal owner of the website and platform (the “Platform”) hosted on the domain crowmie.com, through which information is provided and brokerage services are offered for investment in renewable energy projects using Blockchain technology.

Access and navigation through the Platform are free, with acceptance of these terms and conditions being a necessary condition for its use.

If you have any doubts, you can contact us. For more information about Crowmie’s corporate identity and contact details, you can consult our Legal Notice.

Throughout this text, we may also refer to you as “User”.


These terms of use (hereinafter, the “General Terms of Use” or “GTU”) establish the terms and conditions that govern access to and use of the Crowmie Platform in any of its versions and/or updates.

The present GTU consist of the following texts:

When using the Crowmie website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to all the terms and conditions stated herein.

Likewise, you declare that you have the capacity (and are of legal age) to accept these T&C (including all specific terms and conditions according to the type of service requested by the user). If you are under 18 years old, but at least 13 years old, you are only allowed to use the Services through an account owned by your parent, guardian, or legal guardian with their corresponding permission.

Crowmie is exempt from liability if the User has entered false or erroneous data when filling out any request or registration form. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for it.

If the User does not agree to all the terms and conditions of these T&C, or does not have the sufficient capacity to accept these T&C and/or be bound by these T&C, they should not use the Platform.

If you wish to contact us for any reason regarding the Platform, you can do so through the postal and email addresses provided in the Legal Notice or Privacy Policy.

Validity Period. The T&C will remain in effect until their termination, and those provisions that by their nature should remain in effect after the termination of the T&C will remain in effect after their termination. Crowmie may terminate the T&C at any time and at its sole discretion, notifying you or informing you by any available means.

Crowmie may update the T&C at its sole discretion, without prior express notice. If at any time you can no longer comply with the terms of the current T&C, they must be terminated, and you must stop using the Platform immediately.

These T&C, which incorporate the reference of all applicable texts thereto, constitute the entire agreement between the User and Crowmie regarding the Platform and supersede all prior agreements that may have taken place between them. Likewise, the User agrees to comply with all applicable legislation in relation to these T&C.

Safeguard and Interpretation. If any provision of these T&C is declared illegal, invalid, or unenforceable by any competent authority, it shall be interpreted as closely as possible to the original intention of such provision. In any case, such declaration regarding one or more clauses shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses.

Partial Invalidity. The User agrees that if any provision of the T&C is declared illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be eliminated. In which case, the remaining part of the provision in question shall remain fully valid.

Waiver. Waiving the enforcement or remedy of a particular provision of the T&C shall not immediately constitute a waiver to enforce or remedy the breach of any other provision of the T&C, whether or not of a similar nature. If any provision is declared invalid by a competent court or regulatory body, that provision shall be eliminated, without affecting the validity of the remaining provisions.

Language. The language applicable to these T&C is Spanish. If versions in other languages are provided, it will be solely for courtesy and convenience to Users. In case of contradiction, the Spanish version shall prevail.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction.

The drafting, validity, and execution of the T&C and all non-contractual obligations arising therefrom shall be governed by Spanish laws.

Any action or proceeding initiated to resolve a dispute arising from the T&C shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia, and by accepting this document, the user agrees to this jurisdiction, waiving any other applicable jurisdiction or the competence of any other courts and tribunals.

In any case, if the User is considered a “consumer”, nothing in this clause will affect or limit the rights that, in such capacity and in this area, correspond to them in accordance with the legislation in force at any given time. Furthermore, we remind you that you can access the European Union’s online dispute resolution platform through this link. The Financial Dispute Resolution Network (FIN-NET) is the network for the extrajudicial resolution of cross-border disputes between European consumers and providers in the field of financial services.


Subject to compliance with this EULA, Crowmie or its suppliers grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license to access and use the Platform to perform the services provided by Crowmie.

This license does not allow you to perform any of the activities described below, and you agree that a breach of any of the following limitations will constitute an infringement of Crowmie’s rights:

You may not sell, license, or transfer the Crowmie Platform or any reproduction or modification thereof to any person or entity;

You may not develop, distribute, or host any server or software designed to interact with the Platform or to redirect or emulate the communication protocols used by Crowmie;

You may not modify the Platform or any of its parts and/or contents;

You may not copy, translate, reverse engineer, obtain the source code, modify, disassemble, decompile, or create derivative works of the Platform or any part thereof, nor allow or authorize third parties to perform such activities;

You may not develop, distribute, or use any third-party program designed to affect the user experience of the Platform.

The license granted under this EULA does not confer ownership or ownership of the Platform as it shall not be construed as a sale of any rights thereto. All rights, titles, and interests in the website are owned by Crowmie.

Consequently, the User acknowledges that Crowmie is and will be the owner of all rights to the Platform. This Platform is protected by Spanish and EU intellectual property laws, international treaties, and any other applicable legislation.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

Industrial Property

The distinctive signs (graphic and denominative) appearing on this website are the exclusive property of Crowmie or, where applicable, third-party owners who consent to their use by Crowmie. Accordingly, the use in economic traffic of the trademarks or trade names appearing on the Platform by Users without having obtained the proper authorization is prohibited.


The contents, texts, photographs, designs, logos, images, sounds, videos, animations, recordings, source codes, and, in general, any intellectual creation existing on the Platform, as well as the Platform itself as a whole as a multimedia artistic work, are protected as copyrights by current legislation on intellectual property.

It is generally prohibited, without limitation, the reproduction, storage (except that necessary for loading the Platform in the browser or temporary storage), transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public, and in general any other form of exploitation, by any means or procedure, of all or part of the contents subject to Crowmie’s rights, except in the case of prior express authorization for that purpose.

Likewise, any process that affects or uses the source code of the Platform, including those intended for its exploitation, modification, or even the circumvention, alteration, or removal of the security systems implemented therein is prohibited.

Domain Names

In the same sense as referred to in the preceding section, the domain name is the exclusive property of Crowmie. Its improper use in economic traffic would constitute an infringement of the rights conferred by its registration and will be pursued by the means provided for by Law.

If you detect any infringement, please inform us at the indicated email address.


The use of the Platform is reserved for users who wish to request information and start using Crowmie’s services.

Access to the Crowmie Platform will not be allowed for Users who want to use the services to promote or carry out illegal or unlawful activities that go against morals, good customs, and public order.

Crowmie reserves the right to exclude or block users suspected of performing or intending to perform the type of conduct described above. Crowmie will also reserve the right to block User access in case of repetitive infringements or when there are grounds to believe that a user has provided us with false or fraudulent information during their registration in the forms, as well as in the communications they have had.

Use of the Platform

By accessing the Platform, the User agrees to:

Use the Platform diligently, correctly, and lawfully, and in a manner that does not violate current legislation, morals, customs, and public order (see section 3.3).

Not to transmit your username and password to unauthorized third parties, immediately notifying Crowmie of any unauthorized access to such information.

Periodically review this EULA, or any other term, condition, or rule applicable to you, checking for any modifications that may occur.

Review the communications that Crowmie sends you, as they may contain important information.

Not to use the Platform for commercial purposes, especially to collect information or content to provide services that clearly compete with Crowmie.

Not to modify or attempt to modify in any way, or perform any action or use any means intended to simulate the appearance or functions of the Platform.

Not to harm, disable, overload, or deteriorate the service (or the network or networks connected to the service), nor interfere with its use and enjoyment.

Abstain from performing any action that involves the introduction of computer viruses, worms, trojans, or any other malicious code intended to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of the Platform.

Not to use reverse engineering techniques and/or decrypt, disassemble, or use any other system intended to know the source code of Crowmie.

In any case, not to perform any act that may violate the rights or interests of Crowmie or third parties such as intellectual or industrial property rights (patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets…).

Not to perform illegal activities, contrary to good faith, customs, morals, or public order.


The Crowmie Platform is provided “as is,” without warranty, express, or implied, of any kind.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, Crowmie shall not assume any responsibility regarding the use of the Platform.

Crowmie makes every effort to ensure that the Platform is operational and functions correctly at all times, but cannot guarantee it, as there are circumstances beyond Crowmie’s control or considered unforeseeable by us, in which case we assume no responsibility.

Despite our continuous efforts to protect the systems and contents included in the Platform, for which we use the usual security standards on the Internet, it is not possible to offer full guarantees regarding intrusions or information losses that may occur. Likewise, the absence of viruses or other harmful elements in the Platform or on third-party websites that may cause alterations to the user’s computer system, both software and hardware, cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, the User assumes and understands that there are situations that may be beyond Crowmie’s control.

The Platform may include links to third-party pages or sites unrelated to Crowmie, for which it assumes no responsibility as it does not endorse or review their functions and contents. When the User accesses any link posted on the Platform, they do so at their own risk, with Crowmie assuming no responsibility for it.

In this regard, Crowmie is exempt from any liability that may arise from the use of Metamask or any other wallet acting as a browser extension on the Platform by Users or third parties (authorized or unauthorized), as well as their operation.

Thus, Crowmie assumes no responsibility for the consequences resulting from errors on your part in checking the compliance with the necessary or advisable technical requirements or in the use of such wallets.

Crowmie is not responsible for errors, alterations, or any other type of anomaly or damage that may arise in connection with the public and private addresses of your wallet.

Likewise, Crowmie is exempt from any liability arising from your misuse of the Platform or its use by unauthorized users or those who do not comply with its EULA, as well as from the breach of obligations or commitments acquired under this EULA or any other applicable one.

Crowmie assumes no responsibility for the consequences resulting from errors on your part in checking the compliance with the necessary or advisable technical requirements or in the use of the Platform itself.

The User releases Crowmie from any damage, loss, or cost incurred or claimed by any third party as a result of their misuse of the Platform.

You must have the necessary elements for the proper functioning of the Crowmie Platform, including a suitable mobile device and an internet connection, all at your own risk.


Crowmie may penalize any user who breaches the EULA, with the inability to access the Platform, temporarily or indefinitely. The duration of the penalty will depend on the type of infraction committed. The access restriction does not entail the right to compensation in any case.

Any damage, loss, or cost (including legal fees and/or lawyers’ fees) arising from your breach of the EULA or any other applicable one, incurred by Crowmie, must be compensated by the User. This includes any claims from third parties arising from such breaches.


Crowmie may change, modify, suspend, or delete any aspect of the Platform at any time.

Crowmie may also impose limits on certain features or restrict access to certain parts or the entire Platform without prior notice.

Crowmie may apply updates and modifications to the Platform at any time. Updates are essential to correct various deficiencies detected in the use or to incorporate improvements or modifications to the Platform. To this end, you must apply the necessary updates to continue using the Platform.

Crowmie is not responsible for deficiencies or errors in its use due to the failure to apply the update or modification of the Platform, which will be notified through the Platform itself and/or its mobile operating system.