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The investment contract with Crowmie and the guarantees for the investor.

At Crowmie, we sign three types of contracts to ensure that everything goes as planned and that your investment generates the expected returns.

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

What is a PPA?

A PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is a long-term agreement between the energy generator and the consumer.

The PPA establishes the terms and conditions of the energy purchase, including: energy price, energy volume, contract duration, and delivery method.

Advantages of PPA contracts:

For the vendor:

  • Ensure the sale of energy in the long term, allowing for financing of renewable energy projects.
  • Reduce market risk by fixing a stable price for energy

For the customer:

  • Obtain energy at a predictable and stable price in the long term.
  • Contribute to sustainability and the fight against climate change by promoting investment in renewable energy.

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)

What is a EPC?

An EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) contract is an agreement between two parties.

The EPC contract establishes the terms and conditions of the project, including: project scope, project price, execution period, and guarantees.

Advantages of EPC contracts

For the customer:

  • Simplify project management by having a single point of contact for engineering, material procurement, and construction.
  • Reduce the risk of cost overruns by having a fixed price for the project.
  • Ensure construction quality by working with a specialized contractor.

For the contractor:

  • Secure a long-term contract with a solvent client.
  • Ensure project profitability with a fixed price.
  • Optimize project management by controlling engineering, material procurement, and construction.

Operation and Maintenance (O&M)

What is a O&M?

An O&M (Operation and Maintenance) contract is an agreement between two parties.

In the O&M contract, the terms and conditions of asset operation and maintenance are established, including: contract scope, contract price, contract duration, and service levels.

Advantages of the O&M contracts

For the customer:

  • Ensure proper asset operation during its lifetime.
  • Reduce the risk of breakdowns and unplanned downtime.
  • Optimize operation and maintenance costs.
  • Allow the client to focus on its core business.

For the contractor:

  • Secure a long-term contract with a solvent client.
  • Ensure business profitability with a fixed price.
  • Generate recurring income.

Crowmie offers a series of guarantees to protect investors’ investments, including construction and commissioning of the installation, obtaining permits and authorizations, insurance, surface rights, bank guarantee, the possibility of exploiting the installation in case of consumer default, and contracting an O&M team with minimum SLAs.

This structure makes projects completely autonomous and self-sufficient, eliminating company risk.


Construction and Commissioning

Crowmie is responsible for the construction and commissioning of the installation under the agreed terms and conditions.

It has an EPC agreement (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) to ensure project execution.


Permits and Authorizations

Crowmie commits to obtaining the necessary permits, licenses, and authorizations for the construction, operation, and sale of energy.



Crowmie has a valid property damage and liability insurance policy from the start of construction until the end of the PPA term.


Surface Rights

Crowmie holds surface rights over the land where the installation is located for 25 years from the start of the PPA to return the loan’s returns and principal.


Bank Guarantee

Crowmie has a Bank Guarantee of 6 months of projected billing for the project to cover possible defaults or breaches by the consumer.


Operation of the Project

In case of consumer default, Crowmie can operate the installation for energy sale to the grid, maximizing returns for the investor.


Repair Guarantee

All costs associated with repairs or replacements during the warranty period are covered by the O&M provider.


Additional Information

Crowmie offers a financial ecosystem to educate investors and guide them through the process.
The platform is provided “as is,” without any express or implied warranty of any kind.
Crowmie is not responsible for the use and management of investor information by providers.



It is recommended to carefully read the terms and conditions of the contract before investing in a Crowmie project.

Una necesidad básica como la energía debe ser un activo básico en tu cartera de inversión.