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⭐ Top 10 long-term investments

Top 10 long-term investments


Top 10 long-term investments

Let’s face it, investing in a volatile sector is fun if you use money you don’t need to live. Being part of a crypto community, championing a project, enjoying the rapid upswings and crying on the downs “caused by the price of Bitcoin”, at that moment any possibility of buying the “lambo” vanishes.
But there comes a time when every investor wants to protect their capital from that volatility. That is why it is invested in the long term, investing is a refuge against inflation and also generates profits if dividends are distributed
What are the top 10 investment sectors if you want to protect your capital?
*Remember, we do not make any type of investment recommendation, we simply report on the most attractive sectors to invest in the long term

Invest in the energy sector:

You just have to look around you, your neighbors, the factories, fields, new jobs. The energy sector is strongly in Spain, creating energy using clean means is now a national and European priority. Institutions and increasingly small investors are interested in this sector. In the long term, it is certainly an investment to consider. Remember that the purpose of Crowmie is for you to be part of the energy transition, obtaining your dividend percentages, easily and at a low cost. You can invest in companies in the sector through our platform. In the last year, investment in this type of company accounted for 17% of investment globally.

Invest in the raw materials sector

Something we all do, whether we are rich or poor, is to meet basic needs. That is why the raw materials sector, and especially agriculture, is a reliable sector to invest in the long term. We do not say it, but Bill Gates himself, which increasingly invests more in this type of company and has also massively purchased farmland. We cannot forget the investment in gold, we already know that it is a refuge value

Invest in real estate

Spain, the mother of brick, despite the drastic consequences of the real estate bubble, we are now in the recovery phase of the sector, with growth of 14%. A very safe and booming sector due to supply and demand. Now you can invest easily using platforms that tokenize real estate, such as Reental. For all these reasons, we include it in this top 10 long-term investments

Invest in the technology sector

It is undeniable that technology has broken into our lives to stay, from the ease of access to information, to our home. However, much remains to be done, and much to create. Investing in established companies like Meta can be a safe bet in the long term.

Invest in the financial sector

The bank always wins, or so they say. Investing in the banking and credit sector is one of the options that can transmit the most security in the long term, and many entities also distribute dividends. Although with the appearance of the decentralized economy these companies must adapt to the current context so as not to get lost along the way. We can see in different news that they are adapting to these new needs and are beginning to allow investing in cryptocurrencies. An example of this is Banco Santander

Invest in the automotive sector

The automotive sector is in full revolution, electric cars, electric motorcycles, etc. This sector has exponential growth globally. China forecasts that by 2035 a total of 20 million electric cars will be sold. And in Europe, the entire mobility policy is geared towards the transition from the use of fossil fuels to electricity, with various promotion strategies. Some reputable brands are; the American Tesla and the Chinese Niu.

Invest in the tourism sector

The tourism sector, our great dependency. It is what it has to have an ideal climate for enjoyment and landscapes that it is impossible not to admire. Although, due to our great enemy, covid-19, there were great losses, the sector is recovering strongly. People want to travel more than ever, priorities have changed. In the short, medium, long term, investing in tourism is investing in a solid sector.

Invest in the hydrogen sector

The hydrogen sector, a great unknown but which is gaining strength and especially in the automobile sector, due to its way of transporting, there is a great monopoly in the sector, although it does not favor the consumer, it is something to be considered by investors. It is expected that by 2050 it will triple its market.

Invest in the health sector

After the health crisis, we are more aware of the need to invest in this sector, in the end, the only thing that cannot be bought is time and health. That is why we must be prepared for future health crises. As we have been able to know, covid has been researched for more than 10 years, which is why it has been possible to formulate a vaccine quickly. It is a sector that tends to oligopoly, most of them are companies with a long history and established in the sector.

Invest in the biotechnology sector

Last on the list of the top 10 long-term investments. The great advances in science will come from the fusion between biology and technology. It is a sector that affects others that are also very important, such as agriculture, pharmaceuticals or medicine. This last year, companies in the sector have obtained an average of 10% annual return. A very interesting percentage if you intend to invest in the long term and avoid volatility.
In short, if you are looking for an average return on your investments, investing in consolidated sectors such as the energy sector is the best option, and especially if at this time you do not want to be aware of the daily changes in values, but trust in a long-term project. term. If you value your time, do not forget to read our article on How much does your time cost?

Remember that this article does not recommend investing in any specific asset.
CMO and co-founder of Crowmie, the investment platform for tokenized renewable energy projects. A tool for anyone, company, or entity to participate in the Energy Transition and invest for the climate. Social Media is my second great passion. Being able to speak, share, and connect closely is very powerful, which is why you can always find me on Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter with my community. Natural-born entrepreneur, creative, and curious. Las Redes Sociales son mi segunda gran pasión. Poder hablar, compartir y transmitir de manera cercana es algo muy poderoso, por eso siempre podrás encontrarme en Instagram, TikTok o twitter con mi comunidad. Emprendedor nato, creativo y curioso.

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