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solar energy


The advantages of photovoltaic energy are many and varied, but first we must understand what this energy is. Speaking of solar energy, we refer to the energy produced by sunlight, also known as photovoltaic energy. This type of energy is inexhaustible and renewable. In addition, it provides a series of benefits that we will analyze below:

Advantages of Photovoltaic Energy:

  • The most significant is that it is a clean and pollution-free source of energy.
  • We can confirm that it is an inexhaustible source of energy.
  • It is a high-quality substitute for areas that cannot be reached with traditional power lines.
  • The capture of solar energy is carried out through panels that are easy to install and generate employment.
  • With the advancement of technology, this is one way to save money.
  • The only cost involved is the installation of infrastructure
  • This type of energy can be installed in any space.
  • Using solar energy reduces energy dependency with other countries.
  • Solar energy promotes job creation.

Thanks to all these advantages of photovoltaic energy, it is an energy that is increasingly booming.



Solar energy has always existed in nature, but we must regret to state that it has never been developed like other types of energy used as fossil fuels (oil, natural gas and coal) or nuclear energy. Today we can be sure that all development of renewable energies has stalled . Over time, the situation seems to be changing.

In countries like Germany, photovoltaics gained great attention in the early 1990s, and photovoltaic power plants and solar panels were developed to capture sunlight. Currently, the government itself promotes the use of these energy sources through aid and subsidies. Other countries, such as Greece, have the capacity to power a quarter of their residents through the use of photovoltaics.

If we go to Israel, we will see how buildings install solar collectors, thanks to a law that was implemented 20 years ago. This action means that 85% of homes across the country can enjoy the benefits of solar energy.

It is for all these reasons that Crowmie hopes to join this movement by promoting the financing of this type of project.

Long live solar energy!

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