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Funds to invest in renewable energies

Funds to invest in renewable energies


The funds to invest in renewable energy is a way of investing in the sector that some people employ.
It is a traditional method that is commonly used. However, there are currently other options that are much more profitable and in which you fully control your investment.

Another option for funds to invest in renewable energy

On the Crowmie platform (which by the way is free), you can access different projects on renewable energy. Serious projects, meticulously studied at all levels (technical, legal and economic). We carry out different analyses, enough to ensure that the project is viable.
You will have total control of your investment, in addition, you will be able to diversify your portfolio, with different renewable energy projects. Photovoltaic power plants, wind power, among others.
Upon entering the final stage of the project (all that remains is to build!) Your investment will be able to appreciate in value in a short period of time. You will also receive monthly dividends for the energy production of the project in which you have invested.
And we have many surprises in the future, can you imagine not having to pay the electricity bill? If you sign up for our newsletter we will inform you about our progress.
You will also be able to see the satisfaction of other investors who have used our platform to invest, you will receive first of all news about new projects and you will have access to pre-sales.

Obtain profitability from renewable energies

Can you imagine contributing to the energy transition and taking up to 8% profitability ?
That is already possible. Surely in your city or nearby you have been able to appreciate the installation of photovoltaic plants, or when you have gone on a trip.
The sector is booming and nothing is stopping the transition. With the support of the government and the private sector, renewable energies only have two options, grow and grow.
We facilitate economic growth by investing in a safe long-term sector

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