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The Energy Transition is a Real need


The Energy Transition is a Real Need , the objective is that in 2050 the dependence on fossil fuels is completely eliminated.

To meet these objectives, a boost must be given since the figures for greenhouse gas emissions have increased in previous years.

The objective set by the European Union is that the member countries use 32% of Renewable Energies by 2030, and each country will implement it as its development strategy is planned. In Spain the main sources of Green Energies are Solar, Wind and Hydroelectric.

The Energy Transition is a Real Need

The Transition is easier if all the Agents that are involved in the change: Public Institutions, companies and individuals are aware of the change that must be made.

It is very important that the message of importance permeates individuals so that they adopt measures that are more respectful of the environment. And that is why there will be a marketing investment in advertising and public figures to get this message across in a broader and deeper way.

Modify the energy policy of companies

Industries are the main consumers of Fossil Energies, therefore it is necessary from within and with the help of the Administration to carry out a plan for the migration to Clean Energies, starting with an energy saving plan to reach the installation of elements such as solar panels. to reach energy self-sufficiency.

Promotion of Renewable Energies from the Administration

The Administration is the main agent that can help SMEs to migrate to the use of Renewable Energies.

The first element is legislation, imposing limits on gas emissions and demanding certain issues from companies so that they can operate normally. Since it must maintain a control function established by the European Union. In addition, they can promote the public contracting of companies that prove they have a professional energy management system such as ISO 50001.

Also, they can invest in renewables by promoting installations wherever they consider it necessary.

In short, from the Administration it is possible to do a lot to reach the goal of the energy transition as soon as possible. Taking this aspect into account is positive because, on occasions, investors can find opportunities associated with this sector of activity.


The energy transition is a collective challenge that, in addition to being necessary, can be very profitable for those seeking to revalue capital.

We at Crowmie enable that investment access to Renewable Energy Projects that help us all accelerate the Energy Transition. Because in this way we can all help make a cleaner and more sustainable world.

The Energy Transition is a Real need

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